Thursday, 26 August 2010

Some HIGHLIGHTS of the trip

1.  21 days, up as early as possible (around 0530), unlike a lot of people, we're more active when we are on holiday than when we're not.

2.  Around 4200Km driven and 4000 photographs, that's almost 1 shot per KM or 190 shots per day (thank God for digital photography)

3. We walked with Rhino, yes walked damn near them, at Waterburg Wilderness lodge. 
4.  We saw a male leopard who had successfully hunted a Kudu dining at his leisure late in the afternoon.

5.  Saw a Small Spotted Gennet (one of THE most elusive animals in the African bush) late one night on the way back to Erindi Lodge for dinner.  Unfortunately, the shot is taken late in the evening and under red filtered light.  The shot isn't great but it shows the wee beastie.

6.  And THE highlight for me, 14 orphaned wild dog pups at Naankuse, a fantastic experience working with these animals, the most endangered of all of the large carnivores in Africa. (Check out my Blogroll, there's a site there that you can go to and make donations that directly help the efforts to save these beautiful animals)

There will be more on the blog and on the website soon, with so many outstanding moments to consider and photographs to go through and edit, it'll take some time but hang in there, there are some beautiful shots as well as some funny stories.

And we owe a huge thank you to Hannelie, the travel agent we used in Namibia, more on her later but she's HIGHLY recommended by both myself and Mrs. DADFAP.



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