Friday 3 June 2016

A Recent Trip to India and Egypt

I am lucky that I get to travel heaps with my job, sometimes to some of the most "bucket listed" places around. I recently did a two week trip to India and Egypt, both places that I have visited before.

A business trip for me is pretty much a series of views out of windows. Airport windows, plane windows, taxi windows, hotel windows and so on. That doesn't necessarily make the trip dull and boring but it does pose some challenges when you want to spend some time photographing.

This is a series of images that I submitted as part of my folio for a Uni assignment. I used what ever was available at the time: phone, iPad or my DSLR, whatever was to hand.
The shots are not always composed well or 100% in focus, but they are interesting and show the cities I travelled in much as I saw them.



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