Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Poachers face Court

In October last year I wrote a post on some of the scum of the earth involved in poaching Rhino in South Africa.  These scumbags will face court on April 11th in Musina, South Africa.

Remember, these are not subsistence farmers or people doing it tough living off of the land, they are affluent, professional people who thought first of their wallets and never gave a thought to the carnage they were visiting on the rhino population in South Africa.

Popular sentiment in South Africa is against these types of people who, if the courts have any common sense, will incarcerate them for as long as is permissible under the law.  Their properties should be confiscated and their faces should become the "icons" for the anti-poaching movement in South Africa.

Rhino Conservation.ORG  has organised a peaceful demonstration outside the court to mark the day of the "Groenwald Gang's" day in court.  I encourage you to visit their site and take a look at the work and reporting they do.  In the first 74 days of 2011 71 rhino had been poached in South Africa, with a number of poachers also shot by Game Rangers.  46 rhino had been slaughtered in the Kruger Park alone, accounting for over 60% of the total kill in what's South Africa's premier tourist destination.

 (From ..... thanks)
The South African government is struggling to deal with many social, economic and security issues but none has the potential to adversely impact the tourist trade and therefore the livelihood of so many people in the country.


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